embassy interviewing course 大使館面接強化講座!!

School info

Students who attended the embassy interviewing course from today have completed.
All three students also passed the interview at the Embassy and will go to Japan in this month.
In our school we also hold an embassy interview countermeasure lecture for students who are enrolled from another consultant and have obtained a Certificate of Eligibility.
We supporting them with our experience and achievements for student never have been rejected from embassy student are worried about their Japanese language classes, they would like to know what kind of questions are there at the embassy, and they want to improve their Japanese language skills before going to Japan.
Currently in Nepal, there are lots of Japanese language schools are running, students who were previously disqualified from Japanese immigration and standing on a teaching only for part-time job, teachers who just passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N 5 are instructing guidance etc. because of poor environment etc…
Our school consists of only faculty members who have studied in Japan for more than 5 years and have N2, and Japanese advisor will do the final interview exercise.
in our school you have to study at least one month for embassy interview preparation class if you not get visa from the embassy we will return your one month course fee.
If you are interested, please contact us.


現在ネパールでは日本語学校が乱立しており、以前不交付となった学生がアルバイトとして教壇に立っている、日本語能力試験 N5に合格しただけの教員が指導している等学生にとって劣悪な環境が多々見られます。
